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This section focuses on how and when to use KrazhBoX effectively. It can gives you the general idea how apply KrazhBoX in your daily life.
This section is still incomplete, you are welcome to contribute to this section by submitting them in the project's forum.
The easiest way to create KrazhBoX floppy disk is to download the "krazhbox-x.xx-win32.zip" file from the download page. The "x.xx" is the current release number.
Extract the zip file using WinZip or other extracting utility,
And run the program "krazhbox-xxx.exe", a dialog should appear.
Insert a blank floppy disk, and press OK.
You should have shiny krazhbox floppy disk after the program finished without any trouble.
Download the "krazhbox-x.xx.tar.bz2" file from the download page. The "x.xx" is the current release number.
Extract the tarball using Tar utility ("tar -zxvf krazhbox-1.2.3.tar.gz").
Change the current directory to krazhbox-xxx ("cd krazhbox-1.23").
Insert a blank floppy disk.
Execute "dd if=krazhbox-1.23.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1024 count=1440".
You should have shiny krazhbox floppy disk after the program finished without any trouble.
*TODO*. Sorry havent got time to write this. But heres a few point.
Get a CD/DVD-Writer
Select the Bootable-Data Disc option on your favorite CD-Burner application (i.e Nero)
Use the floppy disk you create in previous step to be the boot image of your cd
Put some data on your cd (e.g mp3, pictures, movies, so the space wouldn't go wasted :p )
Alternatively, you could use the "krazhbox-xxx.img" file to create Floppy Emulation for your CD, this is a better alternative.
Sorry haven't got time to create this howto, any volunteers?
Damn! so hard to write a howto for Microsoft Windows user, this is because Microsoft Windows users are being pampered by overly-wimpy wizard that hide the workings of a computer system. My personal advice, please migrate to a real operating system!
KrazhBoX (C) 2004-2005 The NexusBox Project. Project
maintainer mypapit <papit58@yahoo.com>.