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This project is the subproject of NexusBox, and it is hosted on SourceForge.net server. This website have been created using the Vim editor on SuSE 9.1 GNU/Linux distribution. The (x)html code have been tidied up by Tidy *grin*.
The current maintainer of this project is mypapit, you can contact him at papit58@yahoo.com. You could also visit other projects created/maintained by him at freshmeat.net and sarovar.org
NexusBox project description and it's team of maintainers can be accessed at it's project page.
KrazhBoX is derived from the original project leader of NexusBox nickname.
KrazhBoX (C) 2004-2005 The NexusBox Project. Project maintainer mypapit <papit58@yahoo.com>.